Disadvantages Of Using A Cheap Custom Dissertation
You have been working hard all semester in this one very difficult course. You have struggled mightily the entire time. You are on the verge of failing and you really need an excellent grade on the dissertation in order to redeem yourself. You have decided to hire a company to write you a cheap custom dissertation and hopefully get a great grade. Unfortunately, you just picked the first one on the internet and learned the hard way about cheap agencies.
Here are some of the disadvantages:
- Quality of work was not up to par – Many of the cheap businesses will hire the cheapest help so they can make the most profit and still charge less than the reputable companies. Some of the writers don’t have good English skills and others didn’t research well so the paper wasn’t very accurate.
- Did not offer me a guarantee so I handed in my paper a day late because the dissertation service didn’t meet my deadline. That will already negatively affect my grade.
- Plagiarism ended up being a big issue. I was called into the professor’s office because he put my paper through a plagiarism checker he uses for all of his dissertations and this one came up failing. I was so embarrassed. I received a failing grade for this dissertation and will now probably fail the course. This company had sold this exact paper the semester before to another student.
- There were no customer reviews on the website. The company said it was because they were brand new but they were the cheapest one and said they could complete the work during the window of time necessary so I hoped for the best.
- They weren’t familiar with the different citation styles so when the professor requested the paper in the Chicago style format, they didn’t know the guidelines so I received the paper with multiple formats and nothing was consistent.
I made a big mistake. I never checked the qualifications of the company before I chose which one to go with. I just picked the cheapest dissertation writing agency that I could find because I was in such a hurry. I received a failing grade and my reputation is tarnished throughout the school for the rest of my career. I should have done my homework and made sure I was using a reputable writing agency. Now I have to live with my decision for the rest of my college days.