Main Characteristics Of A Good Music Thesis: How To Craft A Decent Paper

When you are ready to write my thesis online for your Master's degree in Music, you want to make sure that you follow the proper guidelines. There are some definite rules for the music thesis. Be aware of the rule listed below and also make sure that you meet all deadlines, have the paper proofed by a professional, keep in touch with your advisor, always get enough interviews, prove your point, and follow all grammar and writing rules.

Music Thesis Tips

  • - As a rule, stay away from topics dealing with contemporary pop artists or subjects too recent, you do not want your paper to look or sound like an article for a magazine on celebrity gossip
  • - Have interviews relevant to the topic, you can talk to local musicians, recording artists, and professors of music
  • - If you have a genre you love, explore that sector as you write your thesis
  • - Now is not the time to convince your advisors and thesis committee that you are the next great recording artist in the industry, keep the paper academic

Important Parts to the Thesis

Your thesis should have several very important parts to it. You will have a title page, then you will have a summary of what the paper is going to accomplish, you will then move into the part of the paper where you prove your thesis. The main body will be the longest part of the paper. Your advisor will have already told you how long the entire paper, as well as the different parts, should be. You will site the sources you use in the paper (no footnotes), and you will then provide a reference page for the paper.

The committee and the advisors will look for a unique take on a standard within the music industry. They will not be pleased if you write about a person who just released his or her first rap album to the public. You can, however, write about rap, but you must maintain an academic tone at all times and relate the rap music and topic back to important standards within the field of music. Always keep in mind that the paper is academically based, some or all of it may be published and that it may be the gateway to your career in the world of music.